The Presidential Election Process is managed by the Division IGR Alumni Council. All Membership holding a Sergeant rank or higher may run for President. The Presidential Election Process shall open to the Community when once our Founding President retires to the Alumni Council, and on the 365th day of each incumbents Term thereafter.
Once the Election Process opens to the Community, candidates interested in running may begin publicly campaigning and promoting their candidacy. The Campaign Term shall run from the 365th through to the 410th day. Campaigning shall focus on the qualifications, strengths, and capability each candidate believes they bring to bear as Commander in Chief of the Division IGR. Attacking, defaming, or belittling another Candidate is strictly prohibited, evidence of such campaigning will result in immediate disqualification. Extortion or the negotiation of votes in exchange for power or special interests between Candidates and other Community Members, or deliberate sabotage of an opponent’s campaign will result in permanent Community disbandment. If no candidates enter the Campaign Term, the incumbent shall serve for another Term.
Within this 45 day period, Candidates will be required to participate in 3 Community debates managed by the Alumni Council.
On the 411st day, the Community Polls will open to all Membership for a period of 7 days. On the 419th day the Alumni Council will count the votes and declare the candidate with the most votes a winner.
If a stale mate is reached, resulting in two or more candidates receiving an equal number of votes, the Alumni Council will manage one additional debate between the tied candidates. Following this debate, Community Polls will be reopened for a 72 hour period. Once the 72 hour polling closes, the Alumni Council will count the votes and declare the candidate with the most votes a winner. If a stale mate is achieved in consecutive order, the aforementioned will be applied until a majority vote is established.
The newly elected Commander in Chief of the Division IGR shall be sworn in by the Alumni Council within 7 days of being declared a winner. Following this Community Ceremony, the incumbent shall meet with the newly elected to provide a briefing on the current state of the Executive Office and access to all Executive keys.
The Alumni Council is vested with the sole power of Presidential Impeachment if it is responsibly determined by Alum that a Commander in Chief is willfully violating his or her constitutional duties, exploiting the Executive Office to for personal gain, or sabotaging our Community. Additionally, Membership reserves the right to petition the Alumni Council to Impeach any serving President. Upon investigation, Alum reserves the sole right to grant or deny impeachment petitions from our Membership.