This Article binds and charges Community Trustees with round table responsibility for the broad oversight and stewardship of our Community through the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall be comprised of the following Members:
- CINC :: President of the Division IGR
- GD :: Chairman of the Five-Star Council
- GEN :: Chief Intelligence Officer
- GEN :: Chief Player Resources Officer
- SMD :: Major Trustee
At a minimum, the Board of Trustees shall meet in the last week of every other month to discuss our Community’s past performance, current affairs, opportunities, and path forward. The Board of Trustees is chiefly responsible to the Community for:
- Ensuring the practice of this constitution in all Community affairs
- Operating in the best interest of our Community’s founding values
- Ensuring Community wide prosocial continuity
- Identifying and acquiring critical resources
- Management of Community Funds and budgets
- Monitoring of our public image
- Management of Community grievances
- A Quarterly Assessment of Board performance
The Board of Trustees may declare binding and enforceable Inter-Resolutions, or “Board Actions,” to establish policy and mitigate Community risk and destabilizing Community issues. Board Actions are achieved through the majority vote of the Board and supersede all preluding command in the areas of Community they are charged to. Board Actions shall be filled with the Central Intelligence Domain within 24 hours of deployment. Failure to file may result in Alum Action.
As deemed necessary, researched Advisers may be invited to support the development of Board initiatives. The Board may also appoint Direct Special Assistants to support the execution of its goals. The Board shall submit a Letter of Appointment (DSA’s) and a Letter of Invitation (Advisers) to the Central Intelligence Domain within 24 hours of appointment or invitation. At a minimum, these Letters shall include a general overview of past performance and the primary motivators for selection. Failure to comply may result in Alum Resolution.
Trustees shall submit all stalemates and Board grievances to the Alumni Council for resolution.
At a minimum, the Board of Trustees shall keep an organized Community file of all Community records such as meeting minutes, Quarterly Assessments, Executive, General, and Field Actions, Letters of Appointment, Community Domains and Universes, War Declarations, and a contact roster of all Membership. A copy of this file shall be updated and submitted to the Central Intelligence Domain on the 1st of each month. Failure to comply may result in Board Action.